
Keep up with all the latest news about Star Wars: Shatterpoint here!

Information About the 2025/2026 Grand Tournament Season!


We are excited to share information about the Grand Tournament season for 2025/2026!

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Databank Download: We Don’t Need Their Scum


This squad is not a single force led by a specific leader. Learn more about what they have to offer!

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Databank Download: General Veers Squad Pack 


The Maximum Firepower Squad Pack is available at your local game store or through the webstore! Pre-order today!

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Databank Download: This Is the Way Preview Article


Prepare to say “This is the Way” with the new Star Wars™: Shatterpoint squad pack.

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Databank Download: What Have We Here Preview


Learn more about Lando Calrissian in today’s transmission!

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Databank Download: Crosshair’s Imperial Squad


Let’s take a closer look at the Elite Squad, led by the infamous CT-9904, or “Crosshair.”

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Atomic Mass Games at Gen Con 2024


Atomic Mass Games will be at Gen Con 2024! We are excited to be attending and offering a variety of demos and tournament events.

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Databank Download: Thrawn, Kallus, ISB Agents


Enemies of the Empire beware!…

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Ministravaganza 2024 Program Transmission


Looking forward to what’s on tap for Ministravaganza this year? We’re here to give you a few more details on the panels we’re presenting, while saving some surprises for the stream! Mark your calendars for 7/18–7/20.

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Databank Download: This Is Some Rescue!


This iconic squad represents one of the most iconic early moments in the stories of these now legendary heroes.

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Databank Download: Hera, Sabine, and Chopper


Wanted for crimes against the Empire, today’s Databank Download for STAR WARS: Shatterpoint details the second half of the Ghost’s crew! 

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UK Games Expo 2024 – Event Announcement


Continuing our announcements for events and conventions, Atomic Mass Games is excited to be working with Asmodee UK. Keep reading to learn more.

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Databank Download: Kanan, Ezra, and Zeb


Years after the fall of the Galactic Republic and the rise of the Empire, small Rebel cells began forming in opposition to the new regime. Today’s Databank Download for STAR WARS: Shatterpoint focuses on half of one such brave group, the crew of the Ghost!

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Databank Download: Never Tell Me The Odds


In today’s transmission, we’ll be showcasing the upcoming Never Tell Me the Odds Mission Pack for Star Wars™: Shatterpoint. A well-rounded mission that benefits multiple strategies and playstyles, Never Tell Me the Odds is sure to find its way onto your battlefield once it is available to the world.

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Databank Download: Real Quiet Like


This squad pack brings together Han Solo in his role as General Solo of the Rebel Alliance, with the ever-loyal Chewie at his side and accompanied by some stalwart Rebel Commandos.

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Databank Download: Inferno Squad


The Inferno Squad is an elite special forces unit serving the Empire, which was created following the destruction of the Death Star at Yavin 4 to prevent any similar catastrophes from ever happening again. Specialized in infiltration, extraction, and engaging in combat in myriad environments, this squad is admired within and feared by enemies of the Empire. They are antithetical to Rebellion forces, adept at engaging in the sorts of unconventional warfare.

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Databank Download: The Mandalorian


The warrior known as the Mandalorian (sometimes referred to more simply as “Mando”) makes a striking impression wearing the iconic Beskar helmet and stark armor of his people, armed to the teeth and ready for anything. His imposing demeanor is slightly undermined when accompanied by the floating egg-like vehicle containing his adorable young ward, Grogu.

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Databank Download: Crosshair, Echo and Tech


Crosshair, Echo and Tech represent the most technically adept specialists of Clone Force 99, better known as the Bad Batch. Like others in that force, these unusual clone troopers benefitted from unusual genetic mutations that made them quite unlike most clone soldiers and brought certain special tactical advantages.

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Databank Download: Gwarm & Weequay Pirates


Piracy is an unavoidable risk on the more remote galactic trade routes, and certain groups are infamously skilled at this dangerous trade, among them various Weequay Pirates. The most famous of these belong to the Ohnaka Gang headed by Hondo, who relies on his right-hand lieutenant, Gwarm.

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Databank Download: Hunter, and Wrecker & Omega


The turbulent history of the Bad Batch has had many ups and downs as both their circumstances and the political landscape around them shifted. They served for a time in the army of the Galactic Republic, but the bloody transformation to Galactic Empire saw their world turned upside down.

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Databank Download: Death Trooper Escort & Dark Troopers


Amid the ongoing attempts by the Galactic Empire to create the perfect soldiers, various experiments and training regimens have been attempted. Moff Gideon has been at the helm of several notable attempts to create especially formidable stormtroopers and combat droids, resulting in the Death Troopers and Dark Troopers, both favored for his own operations.

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Greef Karga & IG-11, Assassin Droid


A variety of fascinating, colorful, and lethal individuals have crossed paths with the Mandalorian, particularly during the fateful mission that would forever change his destiny. Among those who would find themselves an unwitting part of this drama would be Greef Karga and the Assassin Droid IG-11.

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Databank Download: Hondo, Honest Businessman


Amid a galaxy full of strange and interesting personalities, so be it of some distinction that Hondo Ohnaka has made himself unforgettable. He is a man who can be trusted to always place his own interests above anyone else. Always open to negotiations and a deal, Hondo has a knack for being in the right place and time to take advantage of those in need.

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Databank Download: Moff Gideon


Among those who trace their lineage to Mandalore, there is no greater villain than Moff Gideon, a high-ranking leader of the Galactic Empire who played a key role in the downfall of the Mandalorian people.

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Tips for Miniature Photography


Have you ever painted your new favorite miniature and then struggled to take a photo that shows your work at its best? Us too, but lucky for us, we have an awesome photography team that works to bring our miniatures to life for you.

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AMG Leagues at AdeptiCon


Our Organized Play Team has been hard at work getting everything ready for AdeptiCon! Today, we are sitting down to chat with Andrea, our OP Coordinator, about AdeptiCon’s league offerings.

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Jedi Master Plo Koon & Padawan Ahsoka Tano Preview


In this preview we’re taking a look at the wise and influential Jedi Master Plo Koon and a young Padawan Ahsoka Tano, whom he was responsible for discovering for the Jedi Order.

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CC-3636 Commander Wolffe & 104th Wolfpack Preview


In this preview we’re examining some of the most courageous clone troopers of the Galactic Republic: 104th Battalion’s Wolfpack Squad, led by Clone Commander Wolffe (designated CC-3636).

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Chief Chirpa & Ewok Hunters Preview


For this preview we’re returning to the moon of Endor to talk about the growing arsenal of potent Ewok leaders and warriors of Bright Tree Village, featuring the great Chief Chirpa and his Ewok Hunters.

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Databank Download: Wicket, Intrepid Warrior & C-3PO and R2-D2 Preview


Today’s preview takes us back to the forest moon to take a closer look at several of the individuals responsible for enlisting the Ewoks to join the Battle of Endor and, as a result, lay the groundwork to defeat Emperor Palpatine and the Galactic Empire. That’s right, I’m giving all the credit for that victory to Wicket and our favorite pair of droids.

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Databank Download: Logray, Bright Tree Shaman & Ewok Trappers Preview


The time has come to preview some of the shortest but greatest heroes of the Battle of Endor, taking a closer look at Logray, the Bright Tree Shaman, and the cunningly fierce Ewok Trappers of his tribe.

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Leia Organa, Freedom Fighter & Paploo, Curious Creature Preview


In this preview we return once again to the pivotal events on the forest moon of Endor, this time examining Leia Organa in her role as a Freedom Fighter, together with her courageous ally Paploo, an Ewok scout noted for reckless courage and curiosity.

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Databank Download: Stormtrooper Sergeant & Stormtroopers Preview Article


Today’s preview features one of the most enduring staples of the Galactic Empire: Stormtroopers, symbols of fear and oppression across the galaxy.

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Databank Download: Boushh (Leia Organa), Lando and R2-D2,  Inside Job Preview Article


The group is especially well suited to be led by Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker, ready to provide support as needed while infiltrating any lair of scum and villainy where the Rebel Alliance needs them.

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Adepticon 2024: New Play Format Overview & Prizewall


Let’s talk about the events, prizing, and philosophy for events like AdeptiCon & beyond!

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Databank Download: Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker Preview Article


The transformation of Luke Skywalker over the span of his adventures would see him rise from the lowest origins to become the last hope of the destroyed Jedi Order.

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Databank Download: Darth Vader, the Emperor’s Servant Preview Article


Here stands a powerful Sith in black armor who is as terrifying to officers of the Galactic Empire as to his adversaries among the Rebel Alliance.

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Staff Hobby Feature – Anne Paints Queen Padmé Amidala


As many folks in our community express, painting a character you’re excited about brings both the joy of seeing a beloved character on the table and the pressure of doing them justice.

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Sabotage Showdown Preview Article


Arriving this November, Sabotage Showdown introduces the first of three mission packs designed and developed alongside the game’s first several waves of releases.

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STAR WARS™: Shatterpoint Roadmap


Simone Elliott, Will Shick, Senior Game Developer Michael Plummer, and Dallas Kemp look at some upcoming card reveals and what’s coming up for STAR WARS: Shatterpoint.

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Databank Download: Sabé, Royal Bodyguard & Naboo Royal Handmaidens Preview


The Royal Handmaidens possess a deceptively peaceful guise despite being highly skilled and disciplined combatants. They are utterly committed to the protection of the planet’s royal family.

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Databank Download: Aurra Sing & Bounty Hunters Preview


Aurra Sing’s reputation as a skilled hunter and assassin is well-earned, and even the likes of Cad Bane and Hondo Ohnaka have sought her assistance from time to time.

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Databank Download: Queen Padmé Amidala Preview


In addition to being a superlative leader and public servant for the world of Naboo, Padmé was very actively involved in battles to protect her world when the Trade Federation invaded.

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Databank Download: Cad Bane, Notorious Hunter Preview


Cad Bane has a special sort of swagger and confidence, necessary traits for tackling the most difficult jobs in the galaxy, such as hunting Jedi.

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Databank Download: CT-411 Commander Ponds & ARF Clone Troopers Preview


Together with Jedi Master Windu, Ponds and his ARF Clone Troopers participated in a number of key battles, including retaking the Twi’lek homeworld of Ryloth, as well as seeing action on Geonosis and Malastare.

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Databank Download: Savage Opress Preview


Opress was once a more ordinary Nightbrother, lacking a connection to the Force and, like most of these male clans, forbidden from practicing the magick of the dominant Nightsisters.

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Databank Download: Jedi Master Mace Windu Preview


And though he showed a disdain for politics, Windu’s keen mind and instincts let him unravel sinister plots against his order; he was one of the few who eventually saw through the veils of lies erected by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine.

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Databank Download: Mother Talzin & Nightsister Acolytes Preview


Mother Talzin has tremendous control over the Force, shaping its energies by the strange methods known only to her coven.

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Databank Download: Fifth Brother & Fourth Sister


Both of these characters are memorable Force-sensitive agents of the Dark Side committed to hunting down the last remnants of the nearly defeated Jedi Order.

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Databank Download: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Out of Hiding & Darth Vader, Jedi Hunter Preview


Obi-Wan has been isolated and his strong connection to the Force has faltered from a lack of use, as has his practice with the lightsaber.

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Databank Download: Grand Inquisitor, Fallen Jedi & Third Sister Preview


Though he must still answer to Lord Vader, the Grand Inquisitor is the highest-ranking member of the new Empire’s Inquisitorious, a body created to root out dire enemies, focusing in particular on the last remnants of the shattered Jedi Order.

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Databank Download: Kraken, Super Tactical Droid, & B2 Battle Droids


As anyone who has fought them knows all too well, there are many tiers of battle droids, some of them only dangerous in large numbers but others that are singularly formidable and deadly. The droids in this preview most certainly fall into the second category.

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Databank Download: Republic Clone Commandos


Even the most basic of Clone Trooper undergoes extensive training and conditioning to prepare them for their roles as dedicated military.

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Databank Download: General Grievous


General Grievous was once a male Kaleesh warlord who was eventually augmented with extensive cybernetics to such an extent that most of his organic body is just a memory.

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Databank Download: Jedi Master Luminara Unduli & Barriss Offee, Jedi Padawan Preview


Luminara is a female Mirialan praised for her patience and discipline, having complete control of her emotions and retaining a calm and cool demeanor even in the most adverse circumstances.

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Databank Download: Jango Fett, Bounty Hunter Preview


This gunslinger prefers fighting in mid to close range and is as dangerous to engage as to leave firing from a distance.

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Databank Download: CC-2224 Clone Commander Cody & 212th Clone Troopers


CC-2224, better known as Clone Commander Cody, who earned his fame as second in command of the 212th Attack Battalion, a force that contributed to the defense of the Republic.

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Databank Download: Count Dooku, Separatist Leader & MagnaGuards


With a turbulent past that shaped him into a particularly dangerous adversary, Count Dooku is a man of ambition and capability.

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Databank Download: Gar Saxon and the Mandalorian Super Commandos


Having pledged fealty to Lord Maul, Gar Saxon is one of the most fearsome leaders within the Shadow Collective. Going to battle with a set of sharp horns protruding from his helmet, he is a formidable warrior and a practiced general who leads an elite force of Mandalorian Super Commandos.

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Databank Download: Kalani, Super Tactical Droid, and B1 Battle Droids


Rather than use flesh-and-blood warriors, the Separatists prefer mindlessly loyal soldiers that are easily controlled. Early in the Clone Wars, the Separatist droid army was often led into war by analytically minded tactical droids.

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Databank Download: Bo-Katan Kryze and Clan Kryze Mandalorians


Formerly an influential member of Death Watch, Bo-Katan Kryze now seeks the destruction of the splinter group and the liberation of Mandalore from Lord Maul.

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Databank Download: CC-7667 Captain Rex and 501st Clone Troopers


Led by Captain Rex, the 501st Legion is a tight-knit squadron of clone troopers known for strength of character and unwavering loyalty.

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Databank Download: Lord Maul


Once battered and broken, now restored and fueled only by his hatred of an old rival, Lord Maul is the focus of today’s Star Wars™: Shatterpoint Unit preview.

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Databank Download: Asajj Ventress, Sith Assassin


Trained in the ways of the dark side by Count Dooku, Asajj Ventress is a fierce adversary and opponent to the Jedi Order

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STAR WARS: Shatterpoint Attacks Overview


Today we’re talking about attacks, Stances, and Combat Trees! The constant push and pull of characters dueling, gaining and losing ground, fighting like their life depended on it is something we pushed to the forefront of combat in Shatterpoint.

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Databank Download: General Anakin Skywalker


A hero of the Clone Wars, Anakin was caring and compassionate in addition to being a cunning warrior, and a good friend.

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STAR WARS: Shatterpoint Stat Card Overview


Every miniature in Star Wars: Shatterpoint has a corresponding Stat Card. The Stat Card details all of the Unit’s important game information. This includes basic things like its name, Tags, type, and points cost.

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STAR WARS: Shatterpoint Gameplay


So, you’ve built your strike team, set up the Mission, and you’re ready to ignite your lightsabers and start firing away with your blasters. But how exactly do you do that?

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STAR WARS: Shatterpoint Missions


Constantly changing and affecting every decision you make; Missions make up the main goal of the game and are the primary way of winning (and losing!).

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STAR WARS: Shatterpoint Squad Building


Shatterpoint was conceived and designed to be a character focused, fast paced, high action skirmish game that allowed players to recreate the high stakes, personal confrontations between the iconic heroes and villains of the Star Wars saga.

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Why We Made STAR WARS™: Shatterpoint


In today’s transmission, we rounded up Will Shick (Head of Product Development), William Pagani (Development Manager), and Michael Plummer (Game Developer) to give you some key insights on our studio’s goals for Star Wars: Shatterpoint and how the game has inspired us to bring our vision to life on your table.

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Sculpting a Galaxy Far, Far, Away for STAR WARS™: Shatterpoint


In Star Wars: Shatterpoint, iconic characters from across the galaxy clash in this new miniatures skirmish game. Coming Summer 2023!

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Early Release Padawan Ahsoka Tano


One of the most exciting things about the Star Wars galaxy is watching beloved characters grow and evolve over the course of their adventures. In Star Wars: Shatterpoint, each character is a snapshot of a moment in a character’s journey. This means

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